Cross Country Sit Ski

The models below are customizable, so if you can dream it, we can make it! Cross country sit skis are available with or without a seat.  If you are interested in one of ET's Kneeling Cross Country Skis or something totally different than what is listed here, contact us! We also manufacture several styles of skis for Paul with Spokes N' Motion. If you are interested in purchasing one of models # 1-6, please email Paul at

ET Kneeling Cross Country Ski - Frame Only

Thanks to Ira for the Inspiration, this model allows for you to be in kneeling a comfortable and athletic kneeling position.

ET Kneeling Cross Country Ski - Complete

This ski was completed with Aspen Seating's Seat, Insert, and Knee Forms.

 Model #1 - Kiwi

This is the most popular model for programs and skiers being introduced to the sport.

Model #2 - Kiwi with Telescoping Handles

The Telescoping Handles can be used to assist in pulling the skier up and down hills or for long flat stretches.

 Model #3

This model, uses a Glove Seating System and puts legs closer to body, so that your center of gravity is not as far forward.

 Model #4

This model uses an Aspen Seating System. It is customizable to your leg & thigh lengths. It is for those who want their legs further out front.

 Model #5

Similar to Model #4, but uses a Glove Seating System, which has more back support.

 Model #6

Primarily for double amputees, but also can be adapted to allow your feet to be underneath you. This is becoming a very popular model as more and more people want their feet tucked underneath.

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